Summer Workshops at a glance:
- June-July REDDI Mini-Series: Preventing Sex and Gender Harassment and Discrimination
- July: Core REDDI Series sessions: Addressing Discrimination Today
Click above to add the certificate course you want to complete to your YU Learn dashboard and track the required courses there and register. You may also register for each session here:

Creating and Maintaining Positive Space
from the REDDI Mini Series - Preventing Sex and Gender Harassment and Discrimination
June 3 10-11:30am
This is a “101” session that will explore gender and sexual diversity, as well as homophobia and transphobia specific to the campus experience. Learn about using inclusive language, being a supportive ally, campus resources, and creating safer spaces on campus for gender and sexually diverse students, staff, and faculty.
Everyone is invited to the PRIDE Flag Drop at Vari the following day, June 4 at 1PM (Details coming soon)
Addressing and Responding to Sexual Harassment & Discrimination
from the REDDI Mini Series - Preventing Sex and Gender Harassment and Discrimination
June 13, 1:30-3:00 PM
In this interactive session, participants will become familiar with the legislation and policies that define sexual harassment and gain a general understanding of why sexual harassment continues to be pervasive in our society. Attendees will examine various scenarios aimed at obtaining strategies and sharing best practices on how to identify, prevent, and respond to instances of sexual harassment on campus.
Issues and Impacts of Misogynoir
from the REDDI Mini Series - Preventing Sex and Gender Harassment and Discrimination
June 20, 10:30 AM to 12 NOON
This is an interactive session where participants discuss the issue of misogynoir, which shows how sexism and racism manifest in black women's lives to create intersecting forms of oppression". Participants explore the detrimental impacts of internalized racism as well as engage in a discussion about healing and self-care.
Do the Work: Intervening on Sex and Gender Harassment & Discrimination
from the REDDI Mini Series - Preventing Sex and Gender Harassment and Discrimination
July 9, 1:30-3:00 PM
This praxis session will offer participants the opportunity to practice intervening in situations or sex or gender discrimination and harassment and relies on participants’ familiar with the concepts explored in the rest of this mini-series. Participants will be encouraged to bring their lingering questions, concerns and fears from previous sessions, and are welcome to try out some of the tools and strategies discussed. Mistake-making is encouraged, this is a learning and growing space.
Do the Work: Dialogue Across Differences
REDDI: Impact and Intersections of Creed-Based Harassment and Discrimination
July 15, 2:30-4PM
Through a series of engaging activities and reflection exercises participants who take part in this workshop will be able to: Identify personal limitations to engagement in dialogue across differences.
Identify what they need to engage in meaningful conversation through respectful dialogue without the intention of persuasion.
Develop personal strategies to manage emotions in order to look past individual differences and hear the humanity of someone’s lived experiences.
Impacts and Effects of Microaggressions in the PSE Environment
REDDI Core Series: Addressing Discrimination Today
July 18, 10-11:30 AM
This session will highlight the reality and pervasiveness of microaggressions within the context of post-secondary institutions. We will look at how and why microaggressions are harmful, discuss some tools to address and inhibit microaggressions, and offer opportunities to practice using these tools in order to foster a more inclusive and equitable campus environment. This session will focus specifically on the actions of individuals and groups in fostering inclusion and belonging.
Advancing Organizational Change to Foster a Culture of Belonging
REDDI Core Series: Addressing Discrimination Today
July 23, 1:00-2:30 PM
Building on an understanding that organizations and institutions continue to embody many of the ways in which our society has created barriers to equity and inhibited inclusion, this session will consider discrimination from a systemic lens, and ask participants to engage in meaningful discussions on systems change. Participants will be invited to reflect on their own roles and positionalities within York and other organizations and communities and consider how to build collaborative responses to systemic inequities.
Challenging Biases in Decision Making and Approaches to Difference
REDDI Core Series: Addressing Discrimination Today
July 29, 1:00-2:30 PM
In Challenging Biases in Decision-Making and Approaches to Difference, participants will learn about how our brains develop and rely on biases, how these biases impact our perceptions and behaviours, and what we can do to prevent these biases from influencing our decisions, workplaces, and communities. This session will consider how biases can affect the systems we work within and offer some opportunities to consider how to remove the opportunity for bias within our systems.