- See also: Frequently Asked Questions
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- YU Human Rights Policy
- Code of Student Rights & Responsibilities
- Workplace Harassment Prevention Policy & Program
- Workplace Violence Prevention Policy & Program
- Sexual Violence Policy
Frequently Asked Questions
More questions? Please contact us at rights@yorku.ca
I experienced/am currently experiencing harassing behavior from a student, staff, or faculty member. What can I do?
If you are able to do so, speak with a person in authority (Professor, Department head, Manager or Supervisor), People Partner, or a union representative to assist you in addressing the behavior.
We do understand that in certain cases, such as when harassing behavior involves a person in authority, this option will not be the appropriate one. You should contact CHREI and speak with a case advisor.
If this involves a student, get in touch with the Office of Student Community Relations (OSCR).
You may also file a complaint against the person who harassed you.
View our basic overview of the complaints process above. You can book an appointment with our case advisors by emailing: rights@yorku.ca Leave your name, email, and/or phone number and we will respond within 3 business days.
What can I expect at the consultation?
Does CHREI provide legal representation?
Do I need to bring anything to the consultation?
You may bring along any records recounting the instances of harassment if you happen to have kept a document of them.
I am afraid of approaching a Case advisor by myself. Can someone accompany me?
Will the Case Advisor contact the other party?
What is the policy on confidentiality?
When you consult with a Case Advisor (before deciding to file a case), any information we receive from you is kept confidential.
Note that once you decide to file a complaint, all memoranda and reports made in the course of action taken pursuant to these procedures shall be considered to be confidential to the parties involved and to those who, in providing advice and carrying out duties contemplated in these procedures, have a need to know of their existence and content. ( See: York's Human Rights Policy: 7.2 Procedure for Dealing with Complaints of Harassment or Discrimination)
What will happen next after I file a complaint?
- Informal Resolution
- Mediation
- Investigation
The first two approaches are examples of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).
Interim measures may also be taken. Interim measures are actions that can be taken while there is an ongoing investigation for workplace harassment. The university will take into consideration if such measures are necessary or appropriate. These can range from directing no contact between the parties, re-arranging supervisors or responsibilities and the like.
What is Alternative Dispute Resolution?
Informal Resolution: Includes information gathering and clarification, or early resolution (i.e. apology).
Mediation: Face to face or other forms of mediation and dispute resolution such as facilitated meetings/discussions, etc.
What if it is unsuccessful?
For cases involving the Code of Students Rights & Responsibilities, see also: Filing a complaint Office of Student Community Relations
What is an investigation?
Upon filing a complaint with the CHREI, the Complainant and Respondent (“the Parties”) will receive a written notice with an outline of the process which include timelines for the submission of a written response and the Decision Maker’s initial assessment of whether or not the complaint shall proceed to an investigation. This determination is made on a prima facie basis, meaning that something that may seem true or valid when you first look at it, but requires an investigation to be fully confirmed. If the Decision Maker chooses not to proceed with an investigation, the Parties will be provided with a written rationale. The written notice will also advise the Parties of the option of obtaining union representation (if applicable) as well as the option to having a support person with them during the process.
Should the complaint proceed to an investigation, an investigator will be appointed. The investigator will interview the Parties and potential witnesses and gather evidence. The Parties will be informed of the conclusion of the investigation and be provided a timeline for the completion of the investigation report. A draft copy of the report will be given to the Parties and they will have the opportunity to provide input of any errors or omissions made within the report.
A finalized copy of the investigation report will then be provided to the Parties and the Decision Maker. Parties are advised in writing of the Decision Maker’s decision based on the findings of the investigation and indicate if managerial action is warranted. This can include a discussion with the respondent of their actions with coaching on how to improve, education/training, suspensions or termination.
How long does a complaint take to be resolved?
What if at the end of the case investigation process, I am unsatisfied with the final result? Is there an appeals process?
1. You may raise the matter with YorkU’s Ombudsperson. The Office of the Ombudsperson is a confidential, impartial and independent resource for university community members. The central role of the office is to ensure fairness in university policies, procedures and decision-making structures. See: Office of the Ombudsperson at YorkU
The Ombudsperson will receive and consider concerns when:
(a) the member has availed of all usual processes but has not been able to resolve their concern because of an alleged unfair or delayed application of such processes; or
(b) the member, for good reason, is unable to follow the usual processes.
2. If the case was before the University Tribunal under the Code of Student Rights & Responsibilities, there is an appeals process after the tribunal’s final decision that is available within 10 business days following the date on which the written decision of the University Tribunal was issued. (See appeal form: APPEALS OF UNIVERSITY TRIBUNAL DECISIONS)
A student or the University may appeal a University Tribunal final decision or request a review of any imposed sanction(s) to the Appeal Panel on only one or more of the following grounds:
(1) the University Tribunal had no jurisdiction or otherwise had no power under this Code to reach the decision or impose the sanctions it did;
(2) the University Tribunal made a fundamental procedural error seriously prejudicial to either party;
(3) the sanctions are unnecessarily punitive and/or do not fit the violation for which the Respondent has been found responsible or would benefit from a review on compassionate grounds (this ground may only result in a review of sanctions); or
(4) the Appellant has new evidence to present that could not reasonably have been presented earlier such as, but not limited to, evidence from an appropriate professional indicating that the appellant’s behaviour was attributable to a previously unrecognized health problem. Where medical or psychological documentation is produced concerning health issues that pertain to safety and security considerations, the University reserves the right to refer the Appellant for assessment by an independent medical/psychological expert approved by the University (such as the Centre for Addiction & Mental Health). (See: Sec. 12 Appeals of University Tribunal Decisions, Code of Student Rights & Responsibilities)
3. For Faculty and Staff, another option, if you have not taken it yet, is to approach your union representative to explore options under the grievance procedure.
I think I would like to file a complaint. How do I draft one?
What other support is available at York besides complaints and case consultation?
Crisis Response, Counselling and Referral
9-8-8 Suicide Prevention & Crisis Response Hotline
Faculty/Staff Employee Family Assistance Program
Student Counselling, Health & Well-being
For all York Community Members
The Centre for Sexual Violence, Response, Support & Education (The Centre)
Office of Student & Community Relations (OSCR) (For students)
Student Counselling, Health & Well-being (For students)
Health, Safety and Employee Well-being (For Staff & Faculty)
Education & Training
Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion
The Centre for Sexual Violence, Response, Support & Education (The Centre)
Student Community & Leadership Development (SCLD)
Organizational Learning and People Experience (OLPE)